My Profile

On this page, you can find and edit your personal information.

Accessing Your Profile: You can view and edit your profile information by clicking on the profile icon located on the dashboard or by navigating to the "My Profile" section from the main menu.

  1. Profile Image: Your display image, which can be uploaded or changed by clicking the profile icon on the dashboard or the "My Profile" section.

  2. Full Name: This is the complete name associated with your account.

  3. Nickname: Your chosen or preferred name, if different from your full name.

  4. Email Address: The primary email linked to your account for communication and notification

  5. Secondary Email: An additional email address, if applicable, for backup or secondary communication.

  6. Phone Number: The contact number linked to your account for verification and communication purposes. Note: This feature is available for Power and Enterprise users only.

  7. Account Name: The name by which your account is identified within the system. Note: This feature is available for Power and Enterprise users only.

  8. Call Sign: If applicable, a unique identifier is used for communication purposes, often in specific contexts such as radio or aviation.

  9. Address: Your physical location details, which may include street address, city, state, and postal code.

  10. Time Zone: Your preferred time zone setting for accurate time-related information and notifications.

Password: You can change your password from this page as well.

Multifactor Authentication: To enhance your account's security, you can enable multifactor authentication in settings. These settings provide additional layers of verification and protection by allowing you to use an authenticator app or email authentication along with your regular login credentials. This helps to ensure that only authorized individuals can access your account, adding an extra level of security to your online activity.

Last updated